Manufacturing Samsung in India issued in the form of a teaser image that shows the right side of the handset with the slogan "The Grandest Ever, Coming Soon". As discussed earlier, the image looks like the Samsung Galaxy Grand 3. Judging from the power button located on the right, and forward-facing camera and the speaker grill really shows the shape of the Galaxy Grand 3.
Its predecessor the Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 was released early 2014, so that this does not rule out the possibility that Samsung has prepared a successor of the Galaxy line of the Grand. Galaxy Grand 3 is rumored to have specs include a 5.2-inch display screen with a resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels, using Qualcomm chipset, the Snapdragon 410 quad-core processors and offers a capacity of 1.5 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal memory with microSD support up to 128 GB.
So far, there is no information whether this smartphone running the Android operating system KitKat or Lollipop. But, of course Samsung lovers certainly hope that this handset will run the latest operating system from Android.
via phonearena
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